Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pretty things

Time to share some special projects that have been keeping us busy (and creative) lately.
 #1 - Brigadeiro Cake dressed for a small wedding celebration. Big responsibility.
 # 2 - Favors for the same celebration. You can tell the couple has some predilection for Brigadeiros.
 # 3 - Baby shower favors, bem casados. You tell it's a boy and parents are saving the name for a late surprise.
 # 4 - Our first official order of Brig-pops. We heard from the mom that it was a hit.
 # 5 - Welcoming treats at maternity - Baby's and mom's visits were welcomed with chocolate and coffee brigadeiros
# 6 - Same maternity favors - Bem casados to thank the guests and share something sweet.


  1. Mari esses brig-pops são demais! eu quero pro Gabriel!!! Acho que ano que vem vou comemorar o aniversário dele em NYC só pra poder fazer os docinhos com vc! hahaha. Bjs!

  2. Vcs fazem entrega em Long Island?

  3. Realmente seu trabalho é maravilhoso........ficaremos só na vontade.

    continue com esse sucesso.
